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Data Models vs. Functional Components

Data models in BoFire hold static data of an optimization problem. These are input and output features as well as constraints making up the domain. They further include possible optimization objectives, acquisition functions, and kernels.

All data models in bofire.data_models, are specified as pydantic models and inherit from bofire.data_models.base.BaseModel. These data models can be (de)serialized via .dict() and .json() (provided by pydantic). A json schema of each data model can be obtained using .schema().

For surrogates and strategies, all functional parts are located in bofire.surrogates and bofire.strategies. These functionalities include the ask and tell as well as fit and predict methods. All class attributes (used by these method) are also removed from the data models. Each functional entity is initialized using the corresponding data model. As an example, consider the following data model of a RandomStrategy:

import bofire.data_models.domain.api as dm_domain
import bofire.data_models.features.api as dm_features
import bofire.data_models.strategies.api as dm_strategies

in1 = dm_features.ContinuousInput(key="in1", bounds=(0.0,1.0))
in2 = dm_features.ContinuousInput(key="in2", bounds=(0.0,2.0))
in3 = dm_features.ContinuousInput(key="in3", bounds=(0.0,3.0))

out1 = dm_features.ContinuousOutput(key="out1")

inputs = dm_domain.Inputs(features=[in1, in2, in3])
outputs = dm_domain.Outputs(features=[out1])
constraints = dm_domain.Constraints()

domain = dm_domain.Domain(

data_model = dm_strategies.RandomStrategy(domain=domain)

Such a data model can be (de)serialized as follows:

import json
from pydantic import parse_obj_as
from bofire.data_models.strategies.api import AnyStrategy

serialized = data_model.json()
data = json.loads(serialized)
# alternative: data = data_model.dict()
data_model_ = parse_obj_as(AnyStrategy, data)
assert data_model_ == data_model

Using this data model of a strategy, we can create an instance of a (functional) strategy:

import bofire.strategies.api as strategies
strategy = strategies.RandomStrategy(data_model=data_model)

As each strategy data model should be mapped to a specific (functional) strategy, we provide such a mapping:

strategy =